
Grand LIA Winner


Entrant: serviceplan, Munich

Voluntary Humanitarian Organisation
"Radio Ghosts"

Creative Producer: Florian Panier Producers: Philipp Feit/Eduardo Garcia Production Company: German Wahnsinn Team, Hamburg Copywriter: Andreas Schriewer Creative Directors: Till Diestel/Marc Vosshall Chief Creative Officer: Alexander Schill Agency: serviceplan, Munich Agency Account Directors: Ines Herbold/Kristian von Elm Corporate Name of Client: Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.
Description of the Project

One out of eleven deaths caused by car accidents has to do with driving after drinking. To raise awareness we created radiospots describing the accident by the deceased victim himself: a radio ghost. The extraordinary thing about it: We installed small radiostations in the shape of wooden death crosses in Hamburg, at real places where car accidents caused by alcohol happened. These small radiostations streamed the story of the deceased victim as a radiospot directly to the cars stopping nearby.

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